Portfolio comparison scenario
Bond scenario analysis" module
You can use this table to compare portfolio variants of the current scenario with each other and see very quickly how changes in the portfolio variants (e.g. purchases or sales) are reflected in the most important key figures. All key figures are available both for the evaluation date ("current") and for the set horizon date.
The columns of the "Portfolio comparison scenario" evaluation in detail:
Column | Description |
Name | The name of the portfolio variant. |
Current number of positions | The number of bonds in the portfolio on the evaluation date. |
Number of positions Horizon | The number of bonds in the portfolio at the horizon date. |
Current total value | The value of all positions in the portfolio on the evaluation date. |
Total value horizon | The value of all positions in the portfolio at the horizon date of this scenario. |
Total return | The total return (the "absolute return"), here in relation to the analysis period. The total return is the annualized internal rate of return of the portfolio. In a total return analysis, the portfolio and certain assumptions (parameters, reinvestment assumptions, trading strategies) are held until the investment horizon and the return is then calculated. |
Total return p. a. | The total return per year. |
Market value horizon | The market value of the portfolio on the horizon date. |
Total repayment | The total of all repayments due in the analysis period. |
Total interest payments | The total of all interest payments due in the analysis period. |
Reinvestmenttotal interest | The sum of all reinvestment interest to be taken into account in the analysis period. |
Current portfolio residual term | The average remaining term of the positions in the portfolio on the evaluation date. |
Portfolio residual term Horizon | The average remaining term of the positions in the portfolio at the horizon date. |
Current portfolio return | The average yield of the bonds in the portfolio on the evaluation date. |
Portfolio return horizon | The average yield of the bonds in the portfolio at the horizon date. |
Portfolio BPV current | The basis point value of the portfolio on the evaluation date. The basis point value is the change in the bond price if the yield on the bond changes by one basis point. |
Portfolio BPV Horizon | The basis point value of the portfolio at the horizon date. |
Portfolio modified duration current | The modified duration of the entire portfolio on the evaluation date. To calculate the "Modified Duration" key figure, read the section Duration analysis. |
Portfolio-Modified-Duration Horizon | The modified duration of the entire portfolio at the horizon date. |
Current portfolio duration | The duration of the entire portfolio on the evaluation date. To calculate the "Duration" key figure, read the section Duration analysis. |
Portfolio duration Horizon | The duration of the entire portfolio at the horizon date. |
In the footer of this tabular evaluation, you will also find further information on the selected scenario and its parameters:
Column | Description |
Scenario | The name of the selected scenario. |
Period | The analysis period; period between the evaluation date and the horizon date. |
Evaluation date | The set date on which the analysis is performed. The default setting is the current date. |
Horizon date | Until what date should the analysis evaluate the data? The default setting is "Current date plus 6 months". |