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Define scenario

Bond scenario analysis" module

The corresponding input fields in the upper area of the scenario analysis (parameterization panel) display the following information:



In this input field you can see the currently selected holder or the currently selected portfolio.

Use the magnifying glass icon to the right to open the familiar property search, which you can use to search for other owners and portfolios.

You can also drag owners and portfolios from the Explorer directly into this input field.

Or select an object that is already in the variant tree (owner or portfolio) to select it.

Evaluation date

This parameter is for information purposes only, it was already set by you when you opened the "Bond scenario analysis" workspace.

Please read the section Start analysis tool.

Evaluation currency

This parameter is also for information purposes only, it was already set by you when you opened the "Bond scenario analysis" workspace.

Please read the section Start analysis tool.


In this selection list, you can see which scenario is currently selected. To switch to a different scenario, select it from this selection list.

Use the "Configure scenario" icon to the right to switch to the "Configure scenario" dialog box, where you can edit the current scenario, but also create or delete new ones.

Horizon date, months, days

Use the arrow buttons in the "Months" and "Days" fields to set the desired horizon date. This then appears immediately in the field of the same name.

Proceed as follows to edit a scenario or create a (new) scenario:

  1. Select the "Configure scenario" icon, press the key combination<CTRL>+<E>or select the CONFIGURE SCENARIO command on the "Scenario analysis" tab.
    The "Configure scenario" dialog box opens, which contains the following elements in the upper area:


    Scenario name

    In this selection list, you can see which scenario is currently selected. To select a different scenario, select the corresponding entry in this selection list.

    Save" button

    Select this button to apply changes made to the scenario.

    Delete" button

    Select this button to delete the current scenario. A security prompt prevents scenarios from being deleted unintentionally.

    New" button

    Select this button to create a new scenario. It contains the name "Scenario (consecutive number)". If you have previously made changes, you will be asked whether you want to save them.

    Read the following sections to find out which settings options you have on the individual tabs - "Yields", "Currencies" and "Credit Spreads".

  2. At the bottom of the dialog box, select the yield curve on which the analysis is to be based. To create yield curves, read the section Manage yield curves.

  3. Once you have made and saved all your entries, close the "Configure scenario" dialog box with the "Close" button.

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