Manage locks
You can define locks in the Infront Portfolio Manager. These blocks are for identification purposes only and are not yet taken into account when entering transactions or order proposal lists. Proceed as follows to manage these purely informative locks:
- On the "Data maintenance" tab, select the LOCK command in the "Manage objects" icon menu.
- Create your individual locks in the "Manage locks" dialog box that appears. To do this, use the editing and navigation options described further below in this section.
To define a lock, you must assign at least an abbreviation and a name and select the type. The following columns are available in the table:
Assign an abbreviation for each lock here.
Enter a meaningful name here.
The name and abbreviation of the locks then appear in the dialog windows for entering transactions in the "Locks" selection list and can be selected there.
There are different types of locks:
- Hard: If a transaction is subject to a hard block, you cannot bypass it.
- Soft: You can bypass blocks of the "Soft" type when entering transactions, i.e. deactivate the block.
If you click in the table cell, a small arrow appears on the right-hand side of the cell, which you can use to open the list of possible types. Select the desired type with a mouse click.
Enter the validity date for the lock here (optional).
If you click in the table cell, a small arrow appears on the right-hand side of the cell, which you can use to open a calendar in which you can select the desired date.
- Close the "Manage locks" dialog box with "OK" when you have created or edited all locks.
You can assign the defined blocks to these at Enter transactions and thereby block or unblock the securities of this transaction.
To create locks without a transaction, there is also the "Locks" transaction type.
Tipps zur Tabelle im Dialogfenster "Sperren verwalten"
- You sort the table by a column by clicking on the column header. Another mouse click on the same column header reverses the sorting. You can recognize the current sorting by the small grey arrow symbol.
- In the list of locks, you can also filter by entries in each column. Simply click on the arrow symbol on the right-hand side of the column and select the desired filter criterion from the selection list that appears.
If the table is currently filtered, this is indicated by a small cross symbol at the bottom of the table. To remove the filter, click on this symbol. You can also edit the filtering there using the "Customize..." button.
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