Sort columns in the "Prepare collective order" dialog box
In the "Prepare collective order" dialog box, you can adjust the display by sorting the columns (in several levels).
The following options are available for sorting the columns:
Sort columns
Click on a column heading to sort the list of orders by this column. A triangle appears on the right-hand side of the column header, indicating the current sorting direction.
To reverse the sorting, click on the column heading again.
Sort columns multi-level
If you have sorted the list of orders by one column as described above, proceed as follows to sort by another column:
Hold down the <SHIFT> key and click on the column heading by which you want to sort the list in the second level. Here too, a triangle appears on the right-hand side of the column heading, indicating the current sorting direction.
To reverse the sorting on the second level, click on the column header again while holding down the <SHIFT> key.
In the example, the list is first sorted by owner and then by the "Depot" column.
Cancel sorting by a column
To cancel sorting by a column, hold down the <CTRL> key and click on the column header of the sorted column.