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Sale (collective transactions)

Portfolio Service Collective Transactions" module

Use this collective transaction type to record securities sales across several securities accounts.

If you have displayed the "Sales" collective transaction type in the list of transaction types via the "Other transaction types" icon and marked it there, you will see the following elements to the right of it in the "Configuration" area:



Final day

Date on which the sale is settled.

The default setting is the date calculated via the general securities account settings.


Enter the security to be sold here and then press the <RETURN> button. Or use the familiar object search via the "Search" icon (magnifying glass) to the right to search for the security in the database.

Trading currency

Select the currency for the sales to be recorded in the selection list.

The default setting is the default currency from the global settings.

In the "Settings" dialog box on the "Securities account" tab, you can also specify that the settlement currency from the WM master data is used as the default value for the transaction currency.

Nominal value

Enter the number of items to be sold here.


Enter the selling rate at which settlement is to take place.


Space for notes on the sale.

Calculate transactions

After entering your data, use this button to start the calculation of the orders to be entered.

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