Restriction monitoring
Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"
Restriction monitoring shows you up to two violated restrictions for all securities positions per securities account. To define such restrictions, read the chapter Restrictions.
Restriction monitoring reports restriction violations for 6 securities positions for the monitored securities account, recognizable by the warning symbols (exclamation marks). In the "First restriction violation" column, you will see the name of the violated restriction. Some of the securities positions even violate at least two assigned restrictions, as the "Second restriction violation" column contains entries.
If you are working with restrictions, always use the more comprehensive "Restriction monitoring (with commentary)" evaluation for analysis. This provides all the necessary information and can also be opened specifically for owners and groups in order to monitor restrictions that have been assigned at owner or group level.
If you still work with this simple monitoring, it is at least advisable to show the "Number of restriction violations" column, which is hidden by default. For reasons of clarity of the table, columns with conceivable further restriction violations were omitted.
Column | Description |
Portfolio | Name of the portfolio. The table is grouped according to this column at the first level. |
Depot | Name of the securities account. The table is grouped according to this column on the second level. |
Stock | The number of units of the respective security in the custody account. |
Securities | The name of the security. |
WKN | The security identification number of the security. |
WP currency | The currency from the "Currency" field of the quote properties (standard valuation place). |
Course | The most recent price of the security in securities currency on the evaluation date. |
Market value | The market value of the position in evaluation currency. |
! | A warning sign is displayed in this table column if the position violates at least one restriction assigned to the portfolio. |
First restriction violation | Here you can see the name of the (first) violated restriction. |
Second restriction violation | If the item violates more than one assigned restriction, you will see the name of the second violated restriction here. You can recognize possible further restriction violations of the same position by displaying the "Number of restriction violations" column. |
Number of restriction violations | Number of restrictions violated by the position. |
Current exchange rate | The exchange rate between the evaluation currency and the item currency on the evaluation date. |
ISIN | The ISIN of the security. |
Security no. | The security number of the security. |
WP type | The security type: Share, bond, fund.. |
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