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Log of jobs of the type "Customer Account Update"

If you configure a job of the type "Customer Account Update", you can configure the path for the log to be saved. Proceed as follows:

  1. In the "Configure jobs" worksheet on the "Further settings" tab, select the button in the "Uploaded data log" area.

    The "Naming scheme" dialog box opens, which you can also find in a similar form in other worksheets - e.g. in Batch export .
  2. Configure your log of uploaded data here. First define the output directory in the upper input field. Use the button to the right of the input field to open the Explorer to select the desired folder.
  3. Then specify the file name in the "Output file" input field.

    Use the prepared field <PROTOCOL> to automatically assign a meaningful name. You can (re)insert the field into the "Output file" input field at any time using the "Add" button.
  4. Close the "Naming scheme" dialog box with "OK" once the configuration is complete.

Details of the protocol

The placeholder <PROTOCOL> is replaced in the job by the following data, analogous to the batch export:

  • Date and time of export
  • Word "Upload"
  • Name of the executing user

The following data is saved in CSV format in the file:

  • Job execution date
  • Short description of the layout
  • List of input objects
  • Result ("OK" or "Error")
  • Message from the service or the cloud uploader

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