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Postbox settings in the master data of persons

You can make various postbox settings in the master data of persons. You can store a unique e-mail address here that is required for communication from the postbox.
Further setting options can be found on the "Postbox" mini-tab. Activate the "Upload documents to postbox allowed" checkbox on the "Postbox" mini-tab in the person properties if you want to upload documents (e.g. reports and report folders) to the postbox for this person.

Make sure that you store a unique e-mail address for each person concerned. So do not assign the e-mail addresses to several people.

Personal characteristics

You will find the following properties on the "Postbox" mini-tab:



Uploading documents to Postbox allowed

Activate this checkbox if you want to upload documents (reports and report folders) to the mailbox for this person.
The fields "E-mail", "First name" and "Last name" must be filled in order to upload documents to the postbox. This data can be used by the Portfolio Manager Server to automatically create a Postbox account for this person.

Automatically upload documents to the postbox

Activate this checkbox if you also want to perform automatic uploads for the person when archiving documents of the corresponding document types. The document types are configured using the server configuration tool.
For further details, read the section Automatic uploading of documents to the postbox.

Postbox selection

If you have licensed several mailboxes, select the desired one from this selection list.

The "Internal postbox" entry is the Infront postbox that has been available for some time, all other entries are your external postboxes, which may be licensed.

Postbox user ID

(Only with licensed module "External Postbox")

If you have selected an external mailbox in the "Mailbox selection" selection list, this input field appears to the right of the selection list. Enter the user ID of the person for the external mailbox here.


Enter a password for the encryption of this person's Postbox documents here.

Password confirmation

Confirm the password entered in the "Password" field by re-entering it in this field.

Display password unencrypted

Activate this checkbox to display the texts entered in the "Password" and "Password confirmation" fields unencrypted.

Copy to clipboard

Select this button to copy the password to the clipboard.

Please also refer to the sections People and Functions for persons.
After password changes in the person properties, the existing Postbox documents of the persons concerned can then be automatically re-encrypted. If necessary, read the section Re-encrypting Postbox documents after changing the password.
Uploading documents from the Infront Portfolio Manager to the Postbox can also be configured so that the PDF files can be opened in the Postbox without a password prompt.
With this configuration, it is then not possible to enter passwords for the encryption of documents in the person properties. If you have any questions on this topic, please contact Customer Service.

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