Functions for persons
"Infront Advisory Solution consulting process" module or "People management" module
Result: The AccountUUID
function returns the person's unique customer account ID.
(person link)
Result: The AllOwnerLinks
function returns all personal links of the person (across all times). The function therefore provides the currently valid personal links, but also the links with holders or interested parties that were previously valid and, if applicable, those that are not yet valid (contracts that have been concluded but are not yet in progress).
"Infront Advisory Solution consulting process" module or "People management" module
Result: The Address
function provides the street and house number of the person.
"Infront Advisory Solution consulting process" module or "People management" module
Result: The AddressAddition
function returns the address addition of the person.
"Infront Advisory Solution consulting process" module or "People management" module
Result: The Issued_by
function returns the authority that issued the person's ID card.
"Infront Advisory Solution consulting process" module or "People management" module
Person.ID type→String
Result: The ID type
function provides the person's ID type (e.g. passport or ID card).
"Infront Advisory Solution consulting process" module or "People management" module
Person.ID number→String
Result: The ID number
function returns the person's ID number.
"Infront Advisory Solution consulting process" module or "People management" module
Result: The Remark
function returns the value of the "Remark" field from the person properties.
"Infront Advisory Solution consulting process" module or "People management" module
Result: The Occupation
function provides the person's occupation.
"Infront Advisory Solution consulting process" module or "People management" module
Result: The EMail
function provides the e-mail address from the person properties.
"Infront Advisory Solution consulting process" module or "People management" module
Result: The ExternalBrokerId
function returns the selected external mailbox ("third-party mailbox") of the person.
"External Postbox" module and "Infront Advisory Solution consulting process" or "People management" module
Result: The ExternalPostboxId
function returns the postbox user ID for the person's external postbox.
"External Postbox" module and "Infront Advisory Solution consulting process" or "People management" module
Person.marital status→Marital status
Result: The marital status
function provides the marital status of the person.
"Infront Advisory Solution consulting process" module or "People management" module→date
Result: The Date of birth
function returns the person's date of birth.
"Infront Advisory Solution consulting process" module or "People management" module→String
Result: The Place of birth
function returns the person's place of birth.
"Infront Advisory Solution consulting process" module or "People management" module
Result: The legal incapacity
function checks whether the person has legal capacity.
"Infront Advisory Solution consulting process" module or "People management" module
Result: The Gender
function returns the gender of the person.
"Infront Advisory Solution consulting process" module or "People management" module→String
Result: The Degree
function returns the academic degree of the person.
"Infront Advisory Solution consulting process" module or "People management" module
Result: The ID
function returns the ID of the person.
"Infront Advisory Solution consulting process" module or "People management" module→Country
Result: The Country
function returns the person's country of residence.
"Infront Advisory Solution consulting process" module or "People management" module
Result: The Last name
function returns the last name of the person.
"Infront Advisory Solution consulting process" module or "People management" module→String
Result: The Name
function returns the full name of the person (including title, degree and other additions).
"Infront Advisory Solution consulting process" module or "People management" module suffix→String
Result: The Name suffix
function provides the suffix after the person's name, e.g. "junior" or "senior".
"Infront Advisory Solution consulting process" module or "People management" module suffix→String
Result: The Name suffix
function provides the suffix to the personal name, e.g. nobility predicates.
"Infront Advisory Solution consulting process" module or "People management" module
Result: The Location
function returns the person's place of residence.
"Infront Advisory Solution consulting process" module or "People management" module
Result: The OwnerLinks
function provides the owners or interested parties linked to the person.
"Infront Advisory Solution consulting process" module or "People management" module
Result: The Person
function returns the person itself.
"Infront Advisory Solution consulting process" module or "People management" module
Result: The Personal number
function returns the personal number assigned by the bank.
"Infront Advisory Solution consulting process" module or "People management" module
Result: The zip code
function returns the zip code of the person.
"Infront Advisory Solution consulting process" module or "People management" module
Result: The PostboxDocAutoUpload
function returns "True" if automatic uploading of documents to the Postbox is activated for the person.
"Postbox" module and "Infront Advisory Solution consulting process" module or "People management" module
Result: The PostboxDocUploadAllowed
function specifies whether uploading documents to the postbox is permitted for this person.
"Postbox" module and "Infront Advisory Solution consulting process" module or "People management" module
Result: The ProfileHistory
function provides the historical list of all investment profiles for the person.
"Postbox" module and "Infront Advisory Solution advisory process" module or "Person management" module, plus "Investment profile entry" module or "Direct investment profile entry" module
Result: The ProfilingCategories
function provides a list of all target market categories from the profiling service. The service accesses the data of the corresponding user-defined fields, for example.
Module "Infront Advisory Solution Advisory Process" or module "Person Management", additional module "Investment Profile Entry"
Category (IndexString|String).
Result: The ProfilingValue
function returns the value of the specified target market category from the profiling service. The service accesses the data of the corresponding user-defined fields, for example. The target market category can be transferred as an index string or as a string. If an IndexString is passed, its code is used, otherwise the string is interpreted as the code of the target market category. If the category was not found or no value exists, the return value is an empty string.
Module "Infront Advisory Solution Advisory Process" or module "Person Management", additional module "Investment Profile Entry"
Result: The Nationality
function provides the country for the person's nationality.
"Infront Advisory Solution consulting process" module or "People management" module
Person.master number→String
Result: The master number
function returns the master number of the person.
"Infront Advisory Solution consulting process" module or "People management" module
Result: The TIN
function returns the person's tax number.
"Infront Advisory Solution consulting process" module or "People management" module
Result: The Title
function returns the (non-academic) title of a person.
"Infront Advisory Solution consulting process" module or "People management" module
Result: The UploadDashboard
function returns "True" if the uploading of dashboard templates is activated for this person in the person properties and is therefore permitted.
Dashboards" module
Result: The UseExternalPostbox
function returns "True" if an external postbox is used for the person.
"Infront Advisory Solution consulting process" module or "People management" module
Result: The First name
function returns the first name of the person.
"Infront Advisory Solution consulting process" module or "People management" module
Result: The function SecondFirstName
returns the person's second first name.
"Infront Advisory Solution consulting process" module or "People management" module