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Permanently delete objects in the recycle bin from the database

If objects are removed from the database, this cannot be undone. The properties are then no longer available in the Infront Portfolio Manager.

Proceed as follows to irrevocably delete objects in the recycle bin from the database:

  1. If necessary, use the OPEN PAPER BASKET command on the "Data maintenance" tab to switch to the recycle bin.
  2. Select the objects to be deleted in the recycle bin.
  3. Select the "Delete" button in the recycle bin toolbar or the command DELETE SELECTED OBJECTS on the "Recycle bin" tab to delete the selected objects from the recycle bin and irrevocably from the database.
  4. Confirm the security prompt that appears with the "Delete" button.

The selected objects are irrevocably deleted from the database.

Use the command PAPER BASKET, DELETE ALL OBJECTS to delete all objects in the recycle bin from the database.

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