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Remove objects

To remove Explorer objects from the Explorer, two different commands are available in the context menu of the selected objects:

  • REMOVE or <ENTF> button
  • MOVE TO PAPER BASKET or key combination <CTRL>+<ENTF>

The REMOVE command only removes the selected objects from the Explorer display. If this is the "last instance" of this object, i.e. if the object no longer exists in any other folder in Explorer, you will be asked whether you really want to remove this "last instance" of the object. The object can then be displayed again at any time, e.g. via the search function for the Explorer, as it is still available in the database. You can also move it to the recycle bin or cancel the action using this query.

However, if you select the MOVE TO WASTEbasket command, you will first be asked whether you really want to move the object to the wastebasket. It then disappears from all folders, moves to the recycle bin and can only be accessed via this folder.

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