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Edit performance chart

You can modify and optimize the display of the performance chart, e.g. change the time period or draw a comparison value. Almost all the options of the "normal" chart window are available for display and formatting. More on this in the chapter Chart analysis.

If a fixed benchmark is assigned to a portfolio in the master data, its performance is calculated and displayed as a comparative time series. If a second benchmark is stored, it also appears by default as an additional comparison time series in the chart.

You can use the "Search comparison value" icon to display any (additional) comparison value for the performance chart.

A performance comparison between several portfolios is also possible with the 'conventional' performance chart by simply dragging the comparison portfolio into the chart. So it works just like the comparison with a benchmark, which is also possible.

The start date of the time scale can be defined in the Infront Portfolio Manager using an MM-Talk formula. In the performance chart, this formula is $From.default[today.start.of.year]-1where the parameter $From parameter is synchronized with the parameter of the same name in the time series definition.

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