Parameters of the report Suitability report
The "Suitability report" has the following parameters, which you can show and hide using the <CTRL>+<A> key combination:
Parameters | Description |
Start date beginning of year | Enter the desired start date here. If you do not enter a date, the default setting is January 1 of the current calendar year (or January 1 of this evaluation year, depending on the evaluation date). |
Evaluation date | The evaluation date of the report, which you can enter in the form "", for example. The default setting is the current date or the evaluation date entered in the input field on the "Start" tab. |
Currency | The evaluation currency of the report. * By default, the currency stored in the input object of the table is selected. |
Calculation type | Select the calculation type for the performance here. Internal interest rate", "Classic", "Time-weighted" and "Time-weighted cum equity" can be set for the calculation. The default setting is "Time-weighted". |
Negative target market | Activated by default. In the default setting, suitability is therefore only checked for the negative target market. Notes on the effects:
To obtain a complete target market profiling with positive and negative target market, you must deactivate this parameter. An orange traffic light is then also available in the event that the positive target market is not met, but this cannot have a negative impact. |
Cluster risk region | Enter the cluster risk of the portfolio in terms of regions here. |
Cluster risk Issuer | Enter the cluster risk of the portfolio in terms of (bond) issuers here. |
Currency cluster risk | Enter the currency concentration risk of the portfolio here. |
Time series analysis period | Use this parameter to specify how many periods of the historical time series should be used for parameter estimation. The information is given in periods (trading days). The default setting is 20 trading days. |
Forecast period | Enter the number of trading days for the period for which the VaR is determined (see the section Definition of Value at Risk in the online help). The default setting is 20 trading days. |
Confidence | Enter the value for the confidence in the risk calculation here. Confidence is the probability that the amount of losses in the forecast period will not exceed the VaR. The default setting is 95%. |
Restriction to instruments that can be valued | If you activate this checkbox, the value at risk is only calculated on the measurable instruments, i.e. a value is always calculated. Non-valuable instruments are simply not taken into account. |
Explicitly assess risk | Activated by default. In the default setting, the risk is calculated on a bandwidth. If the parameter is deactivated, the risk is assessed "hierarchically", i.e. there is only one upper limit. |