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Parameters for automatic evaluation

If you have specified one or more types in Object type list , the objects of the corresponding type are filtered from the input objects. In addition, for objects that do not correspond to the required type, an attempt is made to extract objects of the specified type (e.g. by checking folders for their contents).

You can also specify whether other objects should be searched for using the input objects, e.g. the associated derivatives and comparative values for input objects of the type "Share".



Search for comparative values

If this checkbox is activated, all derivatives or comparison values belonging to the input object that correspond to the object type restrictions are displayed in the table.

The input objects for this setting should therefore be the underlying values of options/warrants or be defined in the master data as a comparison value for a security.

Market Data Pool always provides price quotation objects, especially as underlyings for derivatives. In filters, the "Search derivatives and comparative values" mode searches for linked securities across all price quotations of the security object and the security object.

Display index compilations

If this checkbox is activated, all index components stored in the index compositions are displayed in the table instead of the index.

Input should be an index with this setting.

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