Parameters of the performance comparison
General information on setting the parameters can be found in the chapter Parameters for depot evaluations.
The tabular performance comparison has the following parameters:
Parameters | Description |
Start date | You can enter a date for the start of the calculation here. The default setting is January 1 of the current year. |
Evaluation date | Enter the desired evaluation date here. The default setting is the current date or the evaluation date entered in the input field on the "Start" tab. |
Currency | The evaluation currency of the performance comparison. |
Calculation type | For the performance comparison, the calculation type can be set between "Internal interest rate", "Classic" (approximation), "Time-weighted" (exact) and "Time-weighted cum equity". For details, please refer to the section Calculation of performance. |
Benchmark | You can use this parameter to determine a benchmark for the portfolios. This overlays any benchmarks stored in the portfolio properties for the evaluation. Click on the corresponding "Search" icon to search for a benchmark. |
Comparison portfolio | Click on the corresponding "Search" icon to search for a comparison portfolio. |