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Parameters of the performance comparison

General information on setting the parameters can be found in the chapter Parameters for depot evaluations.

The tabular performance comparison has the following parameters:



Start date

You can enter a date for the start of the calculation here.

The default setting is January 1 of the current year.

Evaluation date

Enter the desired evaluation date here.

The default setting is the current date or the evaluation date entered in the input field on the "Start" tab.


The evaluation currency of the performance comparison.

Calculation type

For the performance comparison, the calculation type can be set between "Internal interest rate", "Classic" (approximation), "Time-weighted" (exact) and "Time-weighted cum equity".

For details, please refer to the section Calculation of performance.


You can use this parameter to determine a benchmark for the portfolios. This overlays any benchmarks stored in the portfolio properties for the evaluation.

Click on the corresponding "Search" icon to search for a benchmark.

Comparison portfolio

Click on the corresponding "Search" icon to search for a comparison portfolio.

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