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Performance breakdown parameters

Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"

You can use these parameters to specify which criteria should apply to the overview. The details can be found in the following table. If you do not make any entries, the default settings are assumed. You can show or hide the parameters at the top of the table using the <CTRL>+<A> key combination, for example.

The parameters of the "Performance breakdown" evaluation:



Before fees

By default, the calculation for this evaluation is based on fees.

To perform the calculation before fees, activate this checkbox.

The product costs from the cost service are ignored here by default.

Before taxes

By default, the calculation for this evaluation is carried out before tax.

To perform the calculation after taxes, deactivate this checkbox.

Start date

Start of the evaluation.

The default setting is the beginning of the current year.

Evaluation date

Evaluation date of the evaluation. The default setting is the current date or the evaluation date entered in the input field on the "Start" tab.


If necessary, select a different evaluation currency here.

The default setting is the currency from the properties of the input object (holder, portfolio, securities account).

Calculation type

Select the calculation type for the performance here.

For the performance breakdown, the calculation type can be set between "Internal interest rate", "Classic", "Time-weighted" and "Time-weighted cum equity".

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