Order session filter
The order session filter is located at the top of the order book. Here you can select the order sessions to be displayed in the order book, create new, empty order sessions, edit or delete order sessions.
In detail, you have the following setting options here:
Session" area | |
Selection | Click to activate the checkboxes of the order session(s) whose orders you want to see in the order book. Using the context menu, which you open with the right mouse button, you can quickly select or deselect all sessions in extensive lists. |
Created on | The creation date and time of the order session. |
Name | The name of the order session. |
Users | The name of the "Infront Portfolio Manager" user of the order session. |
Status | The order session status.
The "Blocked" status is only available if you have licensed the "Block order sessions" module. An order session is blocked when a user opens the "Prepare collective order" dialog box. If the dialog box is closed, the lock is removed. A blocked order session cannot be deleted or edited. However, users with the system right "Configure PSI Order Entry" can change the status manually in the "Edit session" dialog box.
For details, read the section Edit order sessions. |
Total | Number of orders visible to the current user and total number of orders in the session. |
Details "Planned" | Number of orders visible to the current user with the status "Planned". The "Planned" status here includes the order statuses "Planned" and "Deleted". |
Details "In progress" | Number of orders visible to the current user with the status "In process". The "In process" status here includes the order statuses "Released", "Open", "Sent", "Accepted" and "Error". |
Details "Closed" | Number of orders with "Closed" status visible to the current user. The "Closed" status here includes the order statuses "Executed", "Canceled", "Expired", "Closed" and "Rejected". |
Select the "Create new session" icon to create a new empty session. To create an order session, you need the system right "Edit session". | |
Select the "Edit selected session" icon to open the "Edit session" dialog box for the currently selected order session. To edit an order session, you need the "Edit session" system right. | |
Select the "Delete selected session" icon to delete the currently selected order session.
After selecting this command and confirming the security prompt that then appears with "OK", the selected order session including all associated orders will be deleted. To delete an order session, the system right "Edit session" and the object right "Delete order book entries" are required for all orders contained therein.
| |
Incoming and outgoing deliveries" area | |
Hide closed sessions | Activated by default. Deactivate this checkbox to also see the order sessions with the order session status "Closed" in the order book. |
The selected order session is displayed in the order book window title. If you have selected several order sessions, the first and last selected order session will be displayed: