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Release orders (dual control principle)

"PSI Order Entry" module or "Portfolio Service Investment Agent" module or "Portfolio Service Rebalancing" module

In the Infront Portfolio Manager you can configure a binding workflow for the release of orders in the order book. For example, it is possible to map a four-eye principle of release using the MM-Talk formula language.

The approval process for orders in the order book is flexible and can map up to 9 different user groups. As a result, you or your administrator can add dynamic release rights to the "Release orders" object right in the user administration. The number of rights (or order release levels) can be configured in the user administration. Please also read the section Configure order release levels.

This allows hierarchy levels (team leader, department head, board member, etc.) or groups (department A, department B, etc.) to be mapped. This means that customized approval processes can be implemented that cover the hierarchies within the company as well as legal approvals from risk and compliance departments.

The release process is logged and the data can be queried via MM-Talk. The release itself then takes place directly in the order book.

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