If the objects shown in the table are securities, you can select them and open them immediately in a new workspace. No clipboard is opened here as an "intermediate station", but a workspace is opened directly with the useful evaluations - charts,
Securities list, evaluations of the quantitative analysis or key figures - opened. Proceed as follows:
Open a filter or a folder in the Explorer (e.g. the "DAX" filter) by double-clicking on it. The workspace of the folder or filter is opened and you see the securities list with the individual elements.
Now select individual table rows of this securities list, e.g. the objects "Allianz", "adidas", "Deutsche Bank", "E.ON" and "Daimler", while holding down the <CTRL> key.
Right-click to open the context menu for these selected rows and select the OPEN WORKSPACE LIST command. A new, clearer workspace with all useful evaluations is opened for the selected objects.
You can repeat this procedure as often as you like and thus easily filter extensive lists of securities.
Beispiel: Suchergebnisse des "Finders Optionsscheine" weiter analysieren
Use this function to further process the results of a search via Finder. Proceed as follows, for example:
Open the "Finder Warrants" via the drop-down menu of the "Securities" filter icon on the "Start" tab.
Drag a potential underlying from the Explorer, e.g. the share "Daimler NA", into the Finder to start the search.
Then, for example, sort the table with the search results according to the "Remaining term" column by double-clicking on this column heading.
Then select the first 10 table rows with warrants.
Use the right mouse button to open the context menu of the selected lines and select the command OPEN WORKING PAPER LIST.
A separate workspace is opened for the selected objects. In the name of the workspace you will find the name of the first object and the number of objects in brackets.
Now you can view the desired evaluations as usual via the worksheets. For example, switch to the "Quantitative Analysis" worksheet and view the "Warrant Valuation" or "Time Value Analysis" for the selected warrants.
Alternative procedure:
Open the workspace of an underlying security (e.g. the share "Daimler NA" again) by double-clicking on the security in the Explorer.
Then switch to the "Derivatives" worksheet and click on "Finder Warrants".
Select the desired warrants in the table.
Use the right mouse button to open the context menu of the selected lines and select the command OPEN WORKING PAPER LIST.
A separate workspace is opened again for the selected objects, in which you can carry out further analysis.
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