The search field is the easiest way to open a chart. Proceed as follows:
Click in the "Search for" field to the left of the search field and select "Securities" in the list (<CTRL>+<F>).
Enter the name or WKN of the security in the search field to the right of the Quick Search. The beginning of the name is also sufficient.
Confirm with <RETURN>. The object search appears with the search result of the securities found.
Double-click the desired security from the search results and the chart will open.
To subsequently display the same security in a different chart form, click on one of the worksheets, for example "Candlestick".
To display another security with the same settings in the chart window, click with the middle mouse button on the corresponding security in the Explorer.
Click on the magnifying glass to the right of the search field to return to the previous search result. (Please also read the Searchsection)
In the search result of the object search, you can also select several hits by holding down the <CTRL> key when selecting (or the <SHIFT> key for consecutive hits) and thus open them together with the "OK" button.
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