Object rights
Object right | Description | ||||||||||
Process activity | You need this object right to be able to carry out the "Process" sub-activity.
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Record activity | You need this object right to be able to carry out the "Enter" sub-activity.
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Read, create, edit and delete activity | You need this object right to be able to read, create, edit and delete activities.
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Carry out activity controlling | You need this object right in order to be able to carry out the "Controlling" sub-activity for a completed (recorded and possibly processed) activity.
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Force activity deletion | You need this object right to be able to delete a completed activity.
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Edit alert definitions | You need this object right to edit or delete the alert definitions.
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Read alerts | You need this object right to the corresponding template zone in order to see alerts from the zone.
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Delete alerts | you need this object right to delete the alerts of a specific alert definition.
With this right, you can also delete alerts that you may not be able to see at all due to a lack of other rights. | ||||||||||
Delete library | You need this object right to delete an MM-Talk library.
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Change library | You need this object right to edit an MM-Talk library.
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Create, change and delete compliance comments on transactions | You need this object right to create, change or delete a Money Laundering Act compliance comment on a transaction. The selection of a Money Laundering Act compliance status is also linked to this object right.
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Delete depot object | You need this object right to delete owners and groups.
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Upload documents to Postbox | You need this object right to upload documents to a person's mailbox via the document archive (with licensed "Postbox" module).
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Read documents | You need this object right to view documents stored in the document filing system.
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Write documents | You need this object right to save reports as documents via the document filing system.
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Delete interested party | You need this property right to delete an interested party.
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Control jobs | You need this object right to control jobs (start job, cancel job, configure time control...). This also includes jobs of other users that can be controlled but not configured.
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Create, change and delete comments on transactions | This object right makes it possible to create, change or delete a Money Laundering Act comment on a transaction.
The Money Laundering Act commentary on transactions is also part of the object right "Change or cancel transactions of a custody account object". Users who have this right therefore do not need the object right described here. | ||||||||||
Create notes/appointments | You need this object right to create the notes and appointments of an owner.
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Change notes/appointments | You need this object right to subsequently change the notes and appointments of an owner.
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Transferring properties to private ownership | You need this object right to the source zone in order to remove an object from a zone and transfer it to your own private ownership.
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Place, change and cancel orders | You need this object right to place, change or delete orders via PSI Order Entry.
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Place orders from activities | You need this object right to place orders from the entry of an activity.
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Edit orders |
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Release orders | You need this object right to release orders in the integrated order book. Depending on the number of order release levels defined in the user administration settings, up to 9 object rights are made available here for the configuration of the release process:
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Delete orders | You need this object right to delete orders in the integrated order book.
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Delete folder | You need this object right to delete a folder in Explorer.
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Change folder | You need this object right to change the name of a folder and its content.
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Delete person | You need this object right to delete a person.
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Comment on restrictions | You need this object right to comment on restriction violations and mark them with the "Edited" flag.
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Place/export collective orders | You need this object right to enter and export collective orders.
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Edit a person's master data | You need this object right to edit a person's master data.
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Edit master data of a securities account object | You need this object right to edit the master data of owners and groups. This also includes changing the content of groups (holders and custody accounts) and the content of holders (accounts, portfolios and custody accounts).
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Edit master data of an interested party | You need this object right to edit the master data of an interested party.
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Create transactions of a securities account object | You need this object right to enter transactions for a holder. Once transactions have been entered, they can no longer be changed with this right. To do this, you need the object right "Change or cancel transactions of a securities account object".
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Change or cancel transactions of a custody account object | You need this object right to change or cancel transactions that have already been entered for a holder.
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Delete template | You need this object right to delete a template.
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Change template | You need this object right to change a template. This includes both graphical and content-related changes.
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Changing the composition of the zone | You need this object right to remove objects, templates and libraries from a zone or to store them in a zone.
* Users who have licensed the more comprehensive "Infront Advisory Solution Consulting Process" module do not need the "People Management" module.