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Define new signaling system

Module "Advanced Technical Analysis"

Create the signal system, e.g. under a signal control (signal folder) in the Explorer. Signal folders are symbolized by a bell. If a signal control has been created, you can also create the signal system under any "normal" folder in Explorer.

Proceed as follows to define a signal system:

  1. Mark the folder with the right mouse button and select the command NEW, SIGNALSYSTEM in the context menu.
    Or select the command SIGNALSYSTEM in the menu of the "Create objects" icon on the "Data maintenance" tab, then the new signal system is always created under the signal folder "Signal systems" in the Explorer (by default under "Evaluations"). If this does not exist, vwd portfolio manager automatically creates one.
    In the "Signal system properties" dialog box that appears, enter a meaningful name in the "Name" field and confirm with "OK". A signal system object with this name is created under your signal control and an "Input" folder is created under it. The workspace with the editor for the signal system properties is also opened.
  2. Select the "Edit signal system element" icon. The "Edit signal system element" dialog box appears.
  3. Click on the "Select base trading system" icon and select a base trading system from the following list; for example, the moving average.
  4. If necessary, select the "Parameters" button to change the settings of the indicator, for example the GD200 to a 38-day line.
  5. Close the dialog box with "OK".
  6. Repeat these steps to define further indicators for the signal system.
    All other fields are explained in the following table, section Signal system properties (Editor).
  7. Save the configuration.
  8. After completing the required entries, close the editor with <ESC> or the close cross.
  9. Add the securities that you want your signaling system to evaluate under the entry in the Explorer. To do this, select the input with the right mouse button and select the command ADD... or press the<INPUT>key.
    You can also copy another folder or securities from the Explorer and paste them under the "Input".
  10. Start the evaluation with the command SIGNAL SYSTEM, START EVALUATION in the context menu of the signal system or the button<F9>.

    The signals are displayed in a table. You can find out more in the section Start evaluation of a signal system.
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