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Synchronize with online order book

"PSI Order Entry" module or "Portfolio Service Investment Agent" module or "Portfolio Service Rebalancing" module

Orders from an online order book are marked accordingly in the order book. For the corresponding PSI Order Entry, you can synchronize with the respective online order book via the order book toolbar. Proceed as follows:

  1. Select the "Synchronize with online order book" icon in the order book toolbar.
    Or select this icon to synchronize only the orders of the currently selected order session(s) with your corresponding online order book, in which case no time selection is necessary.
  2. Then make the desired settings for the configuration in the "Synchronize order book with online order book" dialog box that appears. Select the date range to be synchronized and specify whether you want to synchronize all affected orders or only the orders from portfolios with the "Financial portfolio management" property.
  3. Start the synchronization via the "Synchronize" button.
    The order book is synchronized with the current information from the online order book.

Orders taken from an online order book are marked as such in the "Online order" column. This column is hidden in the order book by default. You can find out how to show and hide columns in the sections Functions of the order book and Show and hide columns.

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