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Manually fix valuation location assignments

To fix valuation price quotations manually, select the command VALUATION PLACE ASSIGNMENTS on the "Data maintenance" tab.

In the "Valuation center assignments" workspace that appears, you will see a quantitative summary of the securities in the real universe in the upper area.


Number of securities

Number of all securities in the real universe.

Number matching

Number of securities for which the fixing and rule-based specification are identical.

Number not fixed

Number of securities for which there is no fixing (indicated by the blue status icon).

Number deviating

Number of securities for which fixing and rule-based specification differ (indicated by the yellow status icon).

Number selected

Number of securities that are currently selected.

Number displayed

Number of securities currently displayed (after filtering within the table).

Below you will see a table with the following columns:



The security designation from the master data.


The ISIN of the security.


The type of security.

Status icon

The status icon shows the fixing status of the respective security. The following three states are possible:

  • No status icon: Fixation and rule-based specification are identical
  • Deviation between fixed and specified valuation location
  • No fixation

Valuation place fixed

The currently fixed valuation place (place/currency).

Valuation place Default

The proposed valuation place (place/currency) resulting from the configuration (see Configuring valuation places) for automatic assignment.

Number of quotes

The number of quotes currently available for the security.

Home exchange

The home stock exchange (place) of the security is the stock exchange in whose economic environment the registered office and/or head office of a company is located and on which this company is listed.

This master data information flows into the rule-based determination of the valuation location default (see Configuring valuation locations).

Settlement currency

The settlement currency (risk currency) of the security is the currency in which over-the-counter transactions are generally settled.

This master data information flows into the rule-based determination of the valuation location default (see Configuring valuation locations).


The country entered in the "Country" field in the securities master data.

This master data information flows into the rule-based determination of the valuation location default (see Configuring valuation locations).

You can also use the valuation center assignment for any other securities. Simply right-click to open the context menu of a folder containing the securities and select the command MOVE TO OPEN WORKSPACE.

You can access the following functions for assigning or fixing the valuation location:


Select all

Selects all securities displayed in the table. If the view is currently filtered, the selection only affects the visible filter result.

Display deviating

Filters the display for securities for which fixed and predefined valuation places differ.

Show not fixed

Filters the display for securities for which the fixation is missing.

Adjust column width

Adjusts the marked columns to the optimum size.

Edit security properties

Shows the master data of the selected security.

Alternatively, you can also display the master data of a security by double-clicking on the corresponding line.


Use the save icon to save the valuation place assignments for the securities currently displayed and selected.

For this purpose, the default (column "Valuation location default") is adopted as a fixing.

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