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List of standard summation functions

The standard totals functions can be found in the following table:




In this setting, no totals function is assigned to the selected column.


All entries in the column are totaled here:

In the example table, the following applies to column "X": 7+3+5+2=17

Weighted total

Here, all entries in the column are weighted with a factor that you can select from the other columns in the input field on the far right of the "Totals" dialog box and then added up:

In the example table, the following applies to column "X" with factor column "g":


The largest value in the column is determined here:


In the example table, the following applies to column "X": max{7;3;5;2}=7


The smallest value in the column is determined here:


In the example table, the following applies to column "X": max{7;3;5;2}=2

Mean value

The average value of the column is determined here:

In the example table, the following applies to column "X": (7+3+5+2)/4=4.25

Weighted average value

The average value of the column is also determined here, but the individual values of the column are multiplied by a "weight". As with the weighted total, the remaining columns in the table are also available as weights by default:

In the example table, column "X" with weight column "g" therefore applies:


If you select the alternative parameter "Weight positive values", only the positive values for the selected weight column will be used to calculate the mean value.

Geometric link

The summation function "Geometric link" links (time-weighted) returns to calculate the total return as follows:


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