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Edit course note

You can edit quotes at any time. Proceed as follows to edit a quote:

  1. Select the EDIT WORKING PAPER command on the "Data maintenance" tab.
  2. In the object search that appears, enter the search term for the security to be edited, e.g. the WKN, and start the search with the <RETURN> button.
  3. Select the desired security in the search result by double-clicking on it.
    The "Master data" dialog box for the security opens.
  4. On the "Key data" tab in the list of price quotations, select the one you want to edit by double-clicking on it or by selecting it and clicking on the "Edit selected price quotation" icon.
  5. Make your changes in the "Course note properties" dialog box that appears. Mandatory entry is a valid unique MMWKN. If necessary, read the section Quotation propertiesfor the individual fields.
  6. Confirm your entries for the price quote with "OK".
    The list of price quotes is updated.
  7. Proceed in the same way for other price quotations to be processed.
  8. Finally, close the "Master data" dialog box with "Save" or "Cancel". (The changes to price quotations are also accepted if you click on "Cancel")

Read the section Configuring valuation placesto find out how to set this price quote as the default valuation place for the security.

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