Proceed as follows to enter the prices of a day (for several securities):
To enter the prices of several securities, select the "ENTER PRICES" command on the "Data maintenance" tab. The "Enter prices for one day" dialog box appears.
Drag the relevant securities or entire folders or filters from the Explorer into the top left field. You can also drag depots into it, for example. Optionally, you can start the object search with the "Search" icon to bring objects from the search result into the input field. To delete objects from this field, select the object and choose the REMOVE command in the context menu or press the<ENTF>key.
In the "Date" field, enter the date for which you would like to enter the courses. The current date is specified.
Select the "Update course table" button. All securities contained in the input objects in the top left-hand field are listed in the lower table.
To enter the courses, click in the fields or use the <TABULATOR> button to jump from field to field.
Save the courses, e.g. using the key combination <CTRL>+<S>. If you have a large number of entries, it is advisable to save them in between. After saving, you can select a further date for the course entry for the input objects. You can use the "Create evaluation courses..." button to enter evaluation courses manually. If necessary, read the section Evaluation courses.
Close the dialog box with <ESC> or by clicking on the small close cross at the top right. A confirmation prompt appears if you have not yet saved changes.
You can sort the table in the "Enter courses for a day" dialog box as required by clicking on the relevant column heading. Clicking on the same column again reverses the sort order! The small arrow symbol on the right-hand side of the column header always shows you the current sorting.
It is possible to copy exchange rate-adjusted prices via the clipboard. When pasting the rates copied including currencies, various options are offered so that a conversion can take place if the target currency is different. An example of this function is the transfer of historical exchange rates from places of other currencies to the column of Evaluation courseswhen changing valuation places.
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