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Define configuration for data output

The definition of the text field selected in the list is displayed to the right of the list. Depending on the selected text field type, the corresponding setting elements are visible.


Static text

Enter a fixed character string, for example, in the "Text" input field. Below this, you can select a special character as a separator (space, tab, etc.).

Master date

Select the desired master date in the "Data element" selection list:

Type, name, WKN, ticker, ISIN, sector, place, country, currency, DEWKN, security number or Austrian WKN.

The formatting of the output for fields and columns can also be defined:

  • Select the "Formats..." button to specify the output for numbers, dates, characters and Boolean values in the "Customize formats" dialog box.
  • Set the minimum width of the output text in the "Width" field.
  • The text can be left- or right-aligned, depending on the specification in the "Alignment" selection field.
  • The "Use standard formats" checkbox is activated by default. In this setting, the standard formats are used for output, which can be defined via the "Standard formats..." button.

Time series

Use this type to export time series of securities formatted in the form of a table.

Definition of the date range:

  • Input field "Time series from": Enter the start date of the course table here. The default setting is the date of the first available course.
  • Input field "Time series to": Enter the end date of the course table here. The default setting is the current date.
  • Input field "Number of days": Alternative option for specifying the start date as the number of trading days calculated back from the end date.

Definition of the table columns:

You can create new output fields by clicking on the "Create new column (time series field)" icon to the right above the "Columns" field.

Make sure to separate the individual output fields (WKN, price, etc.) with a semicolon. Enter a semicolon via the "Text:;" column.

Here again there is a list of column elements that can be entered in a similar way to the text fields. There are four types of column elements:

  • Text: the separators between the columns.
  • Date: the date to which the courses refer. An output format specific to the column can be defined here again.
  • Courses: are available: Close, spot, open, high, low, volume (=turnover), contracts, open interest and valuation price. You can also define a symbol for missing prices and choose whether corporate actions or dividends should be offset.

Master date: are available: Type, name, WKN, ticker, ISIN, sector, place, country and currency.

Further setting options:

  • Specify the individual output format of the column (see Master data output (above)).
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