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Recording corporate actions

The management of corporate actions is available as a function in the ribbon on the "Data maintenance" tab. In order to be able to report on measures taken by companies that grant rights in relation to financial instruments held in the financial portfolio (MiFID), this information, known as corporate actions, must be available in the system. As the underlying corporate actions cannot always be clearly identified from a transaction list, corporate actions can be recorded and described independently of transaction processing.

The corporate actions report checks for the respective portfolio whether this share was held in the reporting period and lists the corporate action.

You can open the list of corporate actions entered in this way via the CAPITAL ACTIONS command in the menu of the "Manage objects" icon on the "Data maintenance" tab.

In detail, the table in the "Enter corporate actions" dialog box contains the following columns:


Date per

The date on which the holding of this security is determined.


The execution date of the corporate action.


The security affected by the capital measure.

The corporate actions are recognized on securities (and not on price quotations).


What type of corporate action is this? Possible options here include a capital increase in kind or in cash, spin-off, merger, split or repayment of par value.

Please also read the following section Entering new corporate actions.


Description or notes on the corporate action.

To create or edit corporate actions, you need the system right "Create, change and delete corporate actions", which your administrator can assign to you in the user administration.

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