Installing the database
The database should be installed from a Windows computer with the fastest possible connection to the intended file server, or directly on the file server if it is a Windows system. The installation creates an initial database image in the <shared directory> on the file server. This contains a few securities, demo securities account data and a demo user. The initial database image must later be converted into the relational database (Oracle or MS-SQL Server) with the help of a tool, unless an existing database is to be transferred (step 5: Set up database).
Read and write permissions for all workstations and users are required for the <Shared directory>. If necessary, please also read the section Directory structure and Windows Registry.
- Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1
- Windows Installer 4.5
If these requirements are not met, the installation of the database is automatically extended to include the installation of the .NET Framework and the Windows Installer.
The individual steps of the database installation
- Log in to Windows as a user with administrator authorization.
- Start the program <database_setup.exe> from the program DVD.
- The installation wizard appears. Select the "Next" button.
- You can now install <Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Express>. Only select this option if you do not want to use an existing database management system from Microsoft or Oracle. Please note the limitations of MS-SQL Server 2014 Express explained in the section System requirements database server .
<Initialer Datenbestand> installs the initial database image (demo data) supplied, which can be imported into an existing relational database in step 5 Set up database). - Click on "Next" and specify the target folder of the database in the next dialog box (<shared directory> on the file server). The <Shared-Verzeichnis> should have sufficient storage capacity (see section System requirements) and be accessible for all subsequent workstations via a UNC path.
- If you click on "Next" again and have selected the option <Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Express>, the dialog window for configuring the MS-SQL Server 2014 Express appears.
Here you first select the target directory of the MS-SQL Server, the instance name and the admin password of the database user "SA". After you confirm the settings with "Next", the selected settings are listed again in the following dialog box. Finally, check them. - Start the installation with the "Install" button.
The installation may take some time, especially if MS-SQL Server 2014 Express is also installed. The installation should not be aborted under any circumstances.