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System requirements database server

Database systems

As a rule, you will set up a productive system on an unrestricted MS SQL server or an Oracle database. However, an MS SQL Server 2014 Express is supplied. This can be installed during the database installation.

The supported database systems in detail:

  • MS-SQL Server 2014, MS-SQL Server 2016, MS-SQL Server 2017, MS-SQL Server 2019, MS-SQL Server 2022
  • Oracle 12c, Oracle 19c, Oracle 21c
  • MS-SQL Server 2014 Express

The MS-SQL Server 2014 Express supplied is limited in terms of memory (1 GB) and processor support (1 processor). In addition, only databases up to 10 GB are supported within the server instance. This free express version should therefore only be used for very small installations or test systems.

On Windows operating systems, certain ports may need to be enabled in the firewall for the MS SQL instance. Detailed documentation on this topic can be found on the Microsoft website if required.

To use the Infront Portfolio Manager from version 5.50, the 64-bit version of the Oracle client must be used when using Oracle databases. The use of container databases is not supported. If you are using Oracle version 12c or higher, make sure that the "Create as container database" checkbox is deactivated during configuration:


  • Dual-core processor
  • Quad-core processor for 31 - 60 users

Main memory

  • 4 GB for 1 - 30 users

  • 8 GB for 31 - 60 users

Operating system

  • Dependent on the database system used

RAID system

Cluster depending on availability requirements

Hard disk storage

  • Dependent on the database system and subscriptions used
    Growth of 200 MB per 100,000 transactions
    Rough guideline: 6 GB basic database with securities master data, but without portfolio data

If you have questions or problems with MS-SQL Server 2014 Express, you will find answers and solutions in the MS-SQL Server 2014 Management Studio . MS-SQL Server 2014 Management Studio is a free, integrated environment for managing and developing all components of MS-SQL Server. This is installed during the database installation for the Infront Portfolio Manager with the MS-SQL Server 2014 Express.

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