Initial margin repayment
The recognition of an initial margin repayment largely corresponds to the recognition of Initial Margin.
The key combination for entering an initial margin repayment is <CTRL>+<2> for the account transactions and then the <Z> key.
Please note the following:
Element | Description |
Margin account | Select the corresponding virtual margin account from this selection list. To enter an initial margin repayment, you must select an existing account here, i.e. one that you have previously created when entering an initial margin. A margin account is generally opened via an initial margin booking and closed with an initial margin repayment. However, it is possible to post several initial margin postings and several repayments to one margin account. The existing margin account is then used. As soon as the balance of the margin account is back to 0 after a repayment, it is closed (and thus disappears from the balance sheet). |
Amount | Enter the amount of the initial margin repayment in this field. The effect of posting an initial margin repayment is as follows: