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Icons on the toolbar of the formula editor window

You can use the icons (buttons) below the menu to quickly call up the most important formula editor functions.



Key combination <CTRL>+<S>.

Saves the entered formula and closes the formula editor.

To save the current status without closing the formula editor, you can use the key combination <CTRL>+<W>.

Create new macro

A new formula editor window opens in macro mode; you can create the new macro here.

Open macro under cursor

You can use this function to open a macro used in the formula text in a new formula editor window. To do this, place the cursor on the macro (not on the declaration in the brackets) and click on the "Open macro under cursor" icon.

Delete macro

Deletes the currently open macro from the database. You can only delete macros that you have created yourself.


Cut - Copy - Paste selected text parts of the formulas.

To copy a complete formula (i.e. the formula text together with the information on the variables and libraries), use the EDIT, COPY FORMULA command in the main menu of the formula editor.


Undoes the last action (multi-level).


Restores the last undone action (multi-level).

Show error

If this icon is activated, errors in the formula text are highlighted in yellow.

Type help for function under cursor

Displays the result object type of the formula on which the cursor is currently positioned in a small window.

Function assistant

Opens the function wizard.

More on this in the chapter The function assistant.

Help for function under Open cursor

If the cursor is positioned on a function name in the formula editor, this icon or the <F2> key opens a help page in the Help Center which contains a description of the function.

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