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Functions on profit participation certificates

Profit participation certificate.distribution type→distribution type

Result: The distribution type function returns the value of the corresponding field from the profit participation certificate master data.

Profit participation certificate.dividend→number

Result: The Dividend function returns the value of the "Distribution" field from the profit participation certificate master data.

Profit participation certificate.issuevolume→number

Result: The IssueVolume function returns the value of the corresponding field from the profit participation certificate master data.

Profit participation certificate.issuer→issuer

Result: The Issuer function returns the value of the corresponding field from the profit participation certificate master data.

Profit participation certificate.IsCancelable→Boolean

Result: The IstKündbar function returns the value of the corresponding field from the profit participation certificate master data.

Profit participation certificate.callableFrom→date

Result: The CancellableFrom function returns the value of the corresponding field from the profit participation certificate master data.

Profit participation certificate.term→date

Result: The maturity function returns the value of the corresponding field from the profit participation certificate master data.

Profit participation certificate.nominal value→Nominal value

Result: The Nominal value function returns the value of the corresponding field from the profit participation certificate master data.

Profit participation certificate.percentagenote→Boolean

Result: The percentage note function returns the value of the corresponding field from the profit participation certificate master data.

Profit participation certificateredemption price→number

Result: The RepaymentPrice function returns the value of the corresponding field from the profit participation certificate master data.

Profit participation certificate.remaining term[date]→number

Date (date).

Result: The Remaining term function returns the remaining term of the profit participation certificate in years.

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