Functions on futures
Result: The CostOfCarry
function returns the value of the corresponding field from the future master data.
Futurecontract currency→Currency
Result: The Contract currency
function returns the value of the corresponding field from the futures master data.
Futurecontract value→number
Result: The Contract value
function returns the value of the corresponding field from the futures master data.
Result: The Runtime
function returns the value of the corresponding field from the future master data.
Result: The Strike
function returns the value of the corresponding field from the future master data.
Result: The Ticksize
function returns the value of the corresponding field from the future master data.
Result: The Tickvalue
function returns the value of the corresponding field from the future master data.
Result: The TickValueCurrency
function returns the currency of the tick value. By default, the currency of the standard price quotation is used.