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Functions on funds


Result: The Advisor Company function provides the fund's advisor company.

Fundinvestment term→Fund investment term

Result: The function " Investment focus" provides the overall concept of the fund's investment focus.

Fundinvestment focus→Fund investment focus

Result: The investment focus function provides the investment focus of the fund.→Date

Result: The Launch date function returns the launch date of the fund.

Fund.front-end load→number

Result: The function Issue surcharge returns the value of the "Issue surcharge" field from the fund master data.


Start date (date [left edge of chart]): Reference date for the performance evaluation, see also Norm.

Result: The BVIPerformanceZR function provides the BVI performance as a time series.


Result: The DateFundVolume function returns the date on which the fund volume specification was valid.


Result: The Issuer function returns the value of the "Issuer" field from the fund master data.


Result: The performance fee function indicates whether a performance fee is payable for the fund.


Result The FeriRating function provides the GFA Feri-Trust rating for this fund.→number

Result: The Fund custody fee function provides the custody fee of the fund, percentage value on basis 1.→number

Result: The FundDuration function returns the duration of a bond fund.


Result: The Fund manager function provides the name of the fund manager of the fund.


Result: The Fund volume function provides the volume of the fund.


Result: The money market performance function provides the money market performance of the fund, percentage value on basis 1. year-end→String

Result: The financial year-end function returns the date of the financial year-end of the fund (e.g. "31.12.").


Result: The Principle function provides the fund's investment strategy.


Result: The Term function returns the value of the "Term" field from the fund master data.→Number

Result: The ManagementFee function returns the value of the "Management fee" field from the fund master data.


Result: The ReferencePortfolio function provides the holder that represents the fund's portfolio in the course of fund mirroring. The configuration takes place in the owner master data.


Result: The Redemption fee function provides the redemption fee of the fund, percentage value on basis 1.


Result: The special fund function identifies a fund as a special fund with limited protection under withholding tax.


Result: The Structure function returns the fund structure as a list.→String

Result: The Structure name function provides the name of the fund structure.→Date

Result: The structure date function returns the date on which the saved fund structure was valid.


Result: The TelFonds function provides the telephone number of the fund manager or investment company.

Accumulating fund→Boolean

Result: The Accumulating function returns "True" for accumulating funds and "False" for the others according to the "Accumulating" master data field in the fund master data.

Fund.TopPositions→List(Collection(Fund;Wp:(Share|Bond|Subscription Right|Device|Fund|Future|Volatility Certificate|Business Cycle Date|Warrant|Option|Index|Certificate);Name:String;Share:Number))

Result: The Top Positions function provides a list of the fund's top securities positions.


Result: The TopPositionsDate function returns the date on which the fund's saved top securities positions were valid.→Country

Result: The Country of origin function returns the master data field with the country in which the fund was issued.


Result: The ZivRelevant function provides the master data field for funds (and also bonds) with an indication of the relevance of the security for the Interest Information Regulation.


Country: Country or country abbreviation.

Result: The Authorized function returns "True" for authorized funds in the country, "False" for unauthorized funds in the country.


Result: The function AuthorizedCountries provides the list of countries for which the fund is authorized.


Result: The Admission function provides the type of admission of the fund.

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