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Functions on option strategy evaluations

Option strategy valuation objects provide key figures for a single valuation date and a set of market parameters related to the date. For the meaning of the key figures, see User manual.

General note on the <number> parameter: The <number> parameter has the meaning of the number of contracts to be traded and is generally used in the key figures for calculating charges, even if the key figures generally refer to one contract. It only becomes relevant if the "Inclusive expenses" option is activated. Essentially, it influences how the fixed costs are allocated to the contracts.


Result: The OSTAnzahlKontrakte function returns the number of buyable contracts for the given investment.


Result: The OSTDelta function provides the sensitivity key figure "Delta".


Quantity (number).

Result: The OSTFairValue function provides the fair price of the trading position.

Remark: The<Number>parameter is not directly relevant here, but should be selected in evaluations in the same way as it is used in the OSTFairValueExpenses function in order to avoid double calculations.


Quantity (number).

Result: The OSTFairValueFees function provides the fees that would be expected when buying/selling at the fair price. If the parameter InclusiveExpenses="False", 0 is returned here.


Result: The OSTGamma function provides the sensitivity index "Gamma".


Sales value (number).

Quantity (number).

Result: The OSTGewinnProzent function returns the simulated percentage profit of the strategy in relation to the capital investment including margin (and optional expenses). The purchase price is based on the simulated price on the evaluation date.

Option strategyValuation.OSTGRV[purchase price;number]→number

Purchase price (figure).

Quantity (number).

Result: The OSTGRV function returns the profit/loss ratio of MinFairValue and MaxFairValue with regard to the specified <purchase price>.

Option strategyValuation.OSTCapital employed[number]→number

Quantity (number).

Result: The OSTKapitaleinsatz function provides the investment volume including margin.


Result: The OSTKurs function returns the combination price of the trading position in option price currency (in relation to an option).

Option strategyValuation.OSTTerm→Date

Result: The OST runtime function returns the runtime of the position, i.e. the minimum runtime among the options involved.

OptionStrategyValuation.OSTLowerBreakEven[BasePrice;PurchasePrice;Number] →Number

Basic course (number).

Purchase price (figure).

Quantity (number).

Result: The OSTLowerBreakEven function returns the lowest price above (or highest price below)<BasePrice>at which the fair value curve intersects the purchase price line.


Result: The OSTMargin function returns the margin on the evaluation date. The evaluation date cannot be in the future, as the corresponding course information is required.


Quantity (number).

Result: The OSTMaxFairValue function returns the maximum simulated price (including expenses depending on the "IncludingExpenses" parameter).


Quantity (number).

Result: The OSTMaxFairValueKurs function returns the base price at which MaxFairValue is reached.


Quantity (number).

Result: The function returns the minimum simulated price (incl. expenses depending on the "Inclusive expenses" parameter).


Quantity (number).

Result: The OSTMinFairValue function returns the base price at which MinFairValue is reached.

Option strategyValuation.OSTNettoInvestment[number]→number

Quantity (number).

Result: The OSTNettoInvestment function provides the investment volume without margin, i.e. premiums and expenses.


Result: The OSTOmega function provides the sensitivity index "Omega".


Result: The OSTRho function provides the sensitivity index "Rho".

Option strategyValuation.OSTCost[number]→number

Quantity (number).

Result: The OSTExpenses function provides the expenses that would be incurred when buying/selling at the prices on the evaluation date. The assignment of the "Inclusive expenses" parameter is irrelevant here.


Result: The OSTTheta function provides the sensitivity index "Theta".

OptionStrategyValuation.OSTUpperBreakEven[BasePrice;PurchasePrice;Number] →Number

Basic course (number).

Purchase price (figure).

Quantity (number).

Result: The OSTUpperBreakEven function returns the lowest price above<BasePrice>at which the fair value curve intersects the purchase price line.


Result: The OSTVega function provides the "Vega" sensitivity figure.

Option strategyValuation.position→Trading position

Result: The Position function provides the trading position subject to valuation.

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