Functions on bonds
Start date (date[]).
Evaluation date (Date [Current date]).
Period formula (period formula type[]): The default assignment is the value from the bond master data (see Period formula type
Interest date (String[]): The interest dates for the year as a string (see Interest date
NumberOfInterestDates (number[]): The number of interest payment dates per year.
Result: The AccruedInterest
function returns the interest payment for the period from the start date to the evaluation date on the basis of the specified period formula.
Result: The premium
function returns the value of the "Premium" field from the bond master data.
Result: The AktienProAnleihe
function returns the corresponding bond master date.
Result: The AnleihenProAktie
function returns the corresponding bond master date.
Result: The BondType
function returns the value of the "Bond type" field from the bond master data.
[date;market interest rate;interest day type]→number
Date (Date[Current date]).
Market interest rate (figure[]).
Interest date type (period formula type[]): Default is the value from the bond master data.
Result: The Convexity
function provides the convexity of the bond at the date and market interest rate.
Result: The CTD
function returns the field "CTD" ("Cheapest to deliver") from the bond master data.
Result: The DefaultedAsOf
function returns the date from which the bond is considered defaulted. For healthy bonds, the function returns "n/a".
[date;market interest rate;interest day type]→number
Date (Date[Current date]).
Market interest rate (figure[]).
Interest date type (period formula type[]): Default is the value from the bond master data.
Result: Duration of the bond at date and market interest rate.
Result: The IssueDate
function returns the issue date of the bond. If an interest history has been created, the first date of the interest history is interpreted as the issue date.
Result: The IssueVolume
function returns the value of the "Issue volume" field from the bond master data.
Result: The Issuer
function returns the value of the "Issuer" field from the bond master data.
Result: The Financial innovation
function provides the "Financial innovation" field from the bond master data. "True." Bond belonged to the class of financial innovations and had to be taxed accordingly before the introduction of the flat-rate withholding tax.
Fitch Bond Ratings" module
Result: The FitchLTRating
function returns the Fitch Long-Term Rating.
Result: The FitchLTRatingAction
function returns the rating process that led to the last adjustment.
Fitch bond ratings" module
Result: The FitchLTRatingLastChange
function returns the date of the last rating adjustment.
Fitch bond ratings" module
The Fitch Ratings data is associated with a special data subscription available to Infront Portfolio Manager users.
Result: The CanceledTo
function returns the date from the "Canceled on" field in the bond master data.
Result: The HasPoolingFactor
function returns "True" if the bond is a pool factor bond according to the master data.
Result: The HatZinsHistorie
function returns "True" if an interest history has been created for this bond.
Result: The IsNonMaturing
function returns "True" if it is a continuous bond. In the bond master data, you will find the "Endless bond" checkbox on the "Advanced" tab.
Result: The IsCallable
function returns "True" if the "Bond is callable" field in the bond master data is activated.
Result: The CancellableFrom
function returns the date from the "Cancellable from" field in the bond master data.
Result: The term
function returns the term of the bond. If an interest history has been created, the last date of the interest history is interpreted as the term.
[date;market interest rate;interest day type]→number
Date (Date[Current date]).
Market interest rate (figure[]).
Interest date type (period formula type[]): Default is the value from the bond master data.
Result: The ModifiedDuration
function returns the modified duration of the bond at the date and market interest rate.
Result: The MoodysLTRating
function returns the current Moody's rating of the bond from the master data. For the Moody's bond rating you need the corresponding data subscription.
Module "Moody's bond ratings"
Result: The Moody'sRatingAction
function returns the current Moody's rating action of the bond from the master data (e.g. downgrade, upgrade...).
Module "Moody's bond ratings"
Result: The MoodysRatingLastChange
function returns the date of the last change to the rating.
Module "Moody's bond ratings"
Date (Date[Current date]).
Yield type (yield formula type [ISMA]).
Interest date type (period formula type[]): Default is the value from the bond master data.
Tax rate (percentage [0.40=40%]).
Result: The after-tax yield
function returns the yield of the bond at<date>for the given calculation method after tax.
Next interest date
[optional: Date]→Date
Date (Date[Current date]): Date from which the next interest date is calculated.
Result: The NextInterestDate
function returns the next interest date based on the current date.
Result: The Nominal
function returns the value of the "Nominal" field from the bond master data.
Result: The PaymentDate
function returns the payment date of the bond.
Result: The Period formula type
function returns the value of the "Interest days" field from the bond master data, e.g. "act/365".
Bond.rating→Rating type
Result: The Rating
function returns the value of the "User-defined rating" field from the bond master data.
Date (Date[Current date]).
Yield type (yield formula type [ISMA]).
Interest date type (period formula type[]): Default is the value from the bond master data.
Result: The Yield
function returns the yield of the bond at<date>for the given calculation method.
Date (Date[Current date]).
Interest date type (period formula type [act/act (ISMA-251)]).
Result: The Remaining term
function returns the remaining term of the bond at<date>in years according to the interest calculation method.
Bondredemption price→Percentage
Result: The Repayment rate
function returns the value of the "Repayment rate" field from the bond master data.
Result: The StandardAndPoorsLTRating
function returns the current S&P rating of the bond from the master data. For the S&P bond rating you need the corresponding data subscription.
S&P bond ratings" module
Result: The StandardAndPoorsRatingAction
function returns the current S&P rating action of the bond from the master data (e.g. downgrade, upgrade...).
S&P bond ratings" module
Result: The StandardAndPoorsRatingLastChange
function returns the date of the last change to the rating.
S&P bond ratings" module
Date (Date[Current date]).
Interest date type (period formula type[]): Default is the value from the bond master data.
Result: The accrued interest
function returns the accrued interest of the bond at<date>.
Result: The VariablerZins
function returns the "Variable interest rate" field from the bond master data.
Date (Date[Current date]): Date from which the previous interest date is calculated. Default is today.
Result: The PreviousInterestDate
function returns the previous interest date based on the current date.
Date (Date[Current date]).
Result: The Interest
function returns the interest rate of the bond on the specified date. If no interest history has been created, this value always corresponds to the master data "Interest rate".
Result: The Interest history
function provides the interest history of the bond.
Result: The interest rate interval
function returns the interest rate interval from the master data of a bond.
[Index;Format;Separator] →String
Index (number[]): Number of the interest date from 1...Interest datesNo.
If <index> 0, all interest dates are delivered consecutively, whereby they are then separated by separators.
Format (String[]): The display format in which an interest date is formatted. The default is "", i.e. the day and month each have two digits and end with a dot.
Separator (String[]).
Result: The interest date
function returns one or more of the interest dates of the bond.
Result: The InterestDatesNumber
function returns the number of interest dates from the interest interval set in the bond master data.
and InterestDate
return the corresponding master data. If an interest history has been created, the data from the history is authoritative.
Result: The ZivRelevant
function provides the master data field for bonds (and also funds) with an indication of the relevance of the security for the Interest Information Regulation.
Result: The additional payment
function returns the corresponding bond master date.