You can use Finder in two ways, namely to filter data that has already been determined (e.g. filter folder contents according to certain criteria) or to search the database.
Database search
Open a predefined Finder, e.g. the "Finder Portfolios", by clicking on the Finder icon "Depot objects" on the "Start" tab and selecting the command FINDER PORTFOLIOS in the menu that appears. The Finder is opened.
Use the object type list to specify which object types are to be displayed. The respective object types are of course already marked in the predefined finders. However, this list also contains the other securities and custody account objects. You can select several security types at the same time (e.g. options and warrants), but only one type can be selected for the securities account objects.
If you would like to search for price quotations instead of securities, activate the "Search for price quotations" checkbox.
Set the parameters.
In the Finder's filter field, there is a row for each table column in which you can define the filter conditions. To open the input field for the conditions, click on the arrow icon in the desired line.
Define the conditions (e.g. portfolio number contains "200", benchmark "DAX" etc.). Depending on the column, the input field can have different fields (e.g. input fields for minimum and maximum value, selection list, input field for a character string, etc.). You can find detailed information on the condition field in the chapter Filter conditions on column results. The rule here is that interrelated conditions are linked with AND (an object must fulfill all interrelated conditions in order to be displayed). Consecutive conditions are linked with OR (an object must fulfill at least one of the conditions in order to be displayed). For selection lists, you can check several entries, e.g. evaluation currency "EUR", "USD" and "CHF". Such multiple entries are linked with OR. All other conditions defined in this column then apply to all three evaluation currencies.
Select the "Refresh" or "Re-evaluate" icon. If the Intraday Online Service is activated (recognizable by the green icon of the "Intraday data" command on the "Start" tab), this icon is also used to retrieve intraday data for the Finder.
Especially with very general queries (e.g. all bonds in euros), the compilation of the filter results can take quite a long time, so you should always formulate your query as precisely as possible. The evaluation status is displayed in the status bar at the bottom left of the program window.
In addition, the history of the compilation, the number of potential objects and, after a successful search, the number of objects found are displayed at the bottom of the table window.
If you subsequently change the filter conditions in a finder, you do not have to recalculate the entire table, but can update it. The Infront Portfolio Manager stores calculated data on a large scale. The "Refresh" function accesses the evaluation data that is still saved and only recalculates the entries that are affected by the changes made (e.g. filter conditions or parameters). The speed is therefore higher than when recalculating the table using the "Re-evaluate" icon in the quick access toolbar or on the "Start" tab.
You can use the "Cancel calculation" icon, which appears on the far right in the toolbar of Finder and other tables during the evaluation, or the <ESC> button to cancel calculation processes that take too long.
Filtering input data
First proceed as described in points 1-6 above in the Database search section.
Drag the data to be filtered (e.g. a folder) into the lower table area of the open Finder. The input objects defined in this way are filtered according to the specified conditions and displayed in a table.
You can also use the options available to you via the "Open objects via clipboard" icon in the toolbar of each table and therefore also each Finder, as well as via the context menu of the Finder. In the section Open selection of securities in a new workspace you will find an example of how you can use Finder, for example, to open warrants for the evaluations of the quantitative analysis in a separate workspace.
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