Filter conditions on column results
The filter field is located below the object type list in the parameter and filter field. All table columns (including the hidden columns) are listed there. For each column, you can define conditions that an object must fulfill in order to be displayed.

- Interdependent conditions are linked with AND, i.e. an object must fulfill all interdependent conditions in order to be displayed (e.g. sector "Automobiles" AND country "Germany").
- Consecutive conditions (i.e. several conditions for a table column) are linked with OR, i.e. an object must fulfill at least one of these conditions in order to be displayed (e.g. industry "Automotive" OR industry "Automotive supplier").
To define a condition, click on the arrow button in the corresponding line (e.g. sector). An input field appears in which you can define the conditions.
- Depending on which values the table column contains, the input field may look different. In the case of sectors or countries, for example, this is a selection list in which you can select one or more conditions.
The selection is restricted to the elements that are relevant for the specified object types. For example, only the sectors of shares can be selected for the "Shares" object type. When the selection box is called up for the first time, there may therefore be a brief pause as the relevant elements must first be determined.

- For some fields, you can also enter a string (e.g. for the "Name" or "ISIN" columns) to be searched for. In this case, you can also specify whether the character string you have entered corresponds to the exact text, the beginning of the text or any part of the text.

- You can enter a minimum and maximum value for columns that contain values (e.g. the market value or the strike price).
- The input field for date values contains three options: "Today", "From ... to" and "Last/next nʺ. With the "Last/next nʺ option, you can also specify the unit in which you enter the period (e.g. trading days, months, etc.).
Whenever you have made an entry in the last or column, another or column appears automatically.
The order in which the table columns appear in the list in the condition field is independent of the table sequence. You can easily change the order using drag & drop. The sequence is saved in the table layout.
For selection lists, you can also check several list entries, e.g. "Automotive", "Automotive supplier". Such multiple entries are linked with OR, i.e. they are treated in the same way as adjacent conditions.