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FIDLEG: Target market profiling report


In this example of the "Target market profiling report" is a holder in whose properties the compliance type "FIDLEG" is selected.

Corresponding information is displayed for FIDLEG holders under the "Investment profile" section.

If he is also marked as an "opting-in/opting-out" customer via the profiling service, corresponding information will also be displayed at this point.

In the columns for profiling the individual securities, the non-FIDLEG criteria for FIDLEG clients are marked with gray symbols. This also applies if values are stored in the investment profile of the portfolio for the corresponding categories. These are also displayed in the "Investment profile" section on the first page of the report, but are not included in the profiling in accordance with FinSA.

For the pre-trade variant "Target market profiling report (pre-trade)" in portfolio rebalancing, these explanations on FIDLEG apply analogously.

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