Fixed-term deposits in the balance sheet
Fixed-term deposits are shown as a special investment in the balance sheet. Detailed information on the individual columns of the statement of assets for fixed-term deposits can be found in the following table.
Presentation of fixed-term deposits in the balance sheet
Column | Description |
Asset class | "Fixed-term deposit". |
Attachment | Designation according to the following scheme: Fixed-term deposit <x,yyy%> <from> to <to>. |
Investment currency | Currency in which fixed-term deposit amount was recorded. |
Number of withholding tax | - |
Number tax-free | - |
Stock | 1,00. |
Credit rating | - |
Industry | - |
Dev. course | Exchange rate resulting from the following two conversions: Investment currency → Account currency on the posting date. Account currency → Evaluation currency on the evaluation date. |
Dev. rate current | Fixed-term deposit currency → evaluation currency at the time of evaluation. |
Success not real. | (Unrealized) profit due to exchange rate changes. |
Success [%] not real. | (Unrealized) percentage gain based solely on the exchange rate change. |
ESG Score | - |
Environmental Score | - |
Governance Score | - |
Holder | Holder whose overview of assets is displayed or holder for whose securities account this IV is displayed. |
ISIN/ account number | This is the account number stored in text form when the transaction is entered. |
Purchase price | Fixed-term deposit amount in evaluation currency (converted according to the exchange rate). |
Purchase price | Fixed-term deposit amount in the investment currency. |
Purchase price | 0. |
Purchase price | 0. |
Course | 0. |
Course date | - |
Course success | 0. |
Market value | (current dev. rate) * (purchase price [Anl.-Wg.] + accrued fixed deposit interest) |
Market value | Purchase price [Anl.-Wg.] + accrued fixed deposit interest |
Storage location | - |
Runtime | Maturity date of the fixed-term deposit. |
Last acquisition | Investment date of the fixed-term deposit. |
Pool factor | - |
Product quality (EDG rating) | - |
Yield | - |
Risk class | Risk class of the fixed-term deposit. By default, fixed-term deposits are classified as "security-oriented". |
Social Score | - |
Accrued interest/ interim profits | Accrued fixed deposit interest according to the interest calculation method stored during entry. Converted into the reporting currency using the current exchange rate. |
Security no. | - |
Value share [%] | Percentage "share" of fixed-term deposits in assets. |
Wg. success | Unrealized gain or loss due to exchange rate changes, if any. |
WKN | - |
WP type | "Fixed-term deposit". |
Interest/dividends | - |