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Income (collective transactions)

Portfolio Service Collective Transactions" module

Use this collective transaction type to record dividends, fund distributions, fund reinvestments or interest across several securities accounts.

If you have selected the "Income" collective transaction type with the mouse, you will see the following elements to the right of it in the "Configuration" area:




Ex-date of the yield. Corresponds to the date on which the income is deducted from the security price.

The default setting is the current date.

Yield date

Date on which the income accrues. The money is actually credited to the account on this date.

The default setting is the date calculated via the general securities account settings.

Value date

Value date of the income (value date).

The default setting for income is also the current date.


Enter the security for which the income is to be recorded and then press the <RETURN> button. Or use the familiar object search via the "Search" icon (magnifying glass) to the right to search for the security in the database.

Security objects are always required for transactions. Use storage locations to differentiate stock. The valuation of securities positions is always based on one and the same valuation price quotation.

Gross per piece

Enter the gross amount shown per item in the account currency here.

Income currency

Select the currency for the income to be recorded in the selection list.

Pre-fade taxes

Activated by default.

Deactivate this checkbox if you do not want to show the taxes (capital gains tax, solidarity surcharge, etc.).

Creditable withholding tax per unit

Enter the proportion of creditable withholding tax per item here.

Refundable withholding tax per unit

Enter the proportion of refundable withholding tax per item here.

Notional withholding tax per unit

Enter the notional withholding tax per unit here.


Space for notes on yield recording.

Calculate transactions

After entering your data, use this button to start the calculation of the income to be recorded.

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