Cost value calculation
In the Infront Portfolio Manager, the FIFO method can also be used in the portfolio valuation to calculate the cost value. For example, there is the parameter "Cost calculation type" in the balance sheet and balance sheet report. You can use this parameter to switch from the default setting "Average" to "FIFO".
The "Cost calculation type" parameter changes the way in which the cost prices are calculated. The calculation of price and foreign exchange gains on securities positions, for example, will also change accordingly. Possible values:
- Average
It is calculated in the same way as up to version 5.30. Basic principle: In the case of openings, the weighted average of the purchase prices of the existing position and the newly added units is calculated according to nominal value. The purchase price does not change in the event of a closing. There are no separate tranches with this type of calculation.
Basic principle: Openings generate new tranches. At closings, the shares from the oldest tranches are sold first.
The "Realized profits" and "Log" reports as well as the "Realized P&L report" are also affected.