To edit a basic asset class combination, open the "Asset Allocation" window, which you can access via the properties window of a portfolio.
In the "Asset Allocation" column, select the model you wish to edit. The weighted basic asset class combinations are displayed in the right-hand side of the window.
In the list of weighted base asset class combinations, double-click on the name of the base asset class combination you wish to edit. Or select the basic asset class combination and select the "Edit selected basic asset class combination" icon. The "Combine basic asset classes" dialog box opens.
Select the desired basic asset classes by checking the corresponding checkboxes
This list contains all configured basic asset classes: Asset classes, regions, segments (sectors) and currency classes. You can select a single underlying asset class or create a multi-level asset allocation by combining several underlying asset classes (e.g. automotive shares from Germany).
Confirm your selection with "OK" or select "Cancel" to discard the changes and close the window.
Create new basic asset class
The list in the "Combine basic asset classes" dialog box contains the configured basic asset classes. You can add any new basic asset classes to the list.