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The icons of the scenario analysis toolbar

Bond scenario analysis" module

You will find the following icons and functions in the toolbar:


Variant view

Use this icon or the key combination <CTRL>+<A> to open and close the view of the portfolio variants on the left-hand side.

You can also access this function via the "Variant view" icon on the "Scenario analysis" tab.

Open evaluations

Use this icon or the button<F9>to open the available evaluations for scenario analysis.

Copy stand as variant

Use this icon to create a copy of the current status as a new variant under the current one.

Delete variant

Select this icon to delete the current portfolio variant and all sub-variants.

Portfolio change reversed

A change history is kept within each variant. Select this icon if you want to undo transactions.

Restore portfolio change

You can restore previously undone changes with this icon.


Select this icon to buy a new bond for the scenario analysis.


Select this icon to buy additional units of a bond previously selected in the portfolio view.


Select this icon to sell units of a bond previously marked in the portfolio view.

Change account balance

Select this icon to change the account balance in the following dialog box.

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