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The "Configure workspaces" dialog box

The individual categories, which are displayed as worksheets, are listed on the left-hand side.

The right-hand area can be used to create new worksheets, define templates (evaluations) as worksheets and also remove worksheets (tabs) from the display.

This configuration is only possible if the user has the appropriate authorization via the user administration.


Icon "Create new worksheet"

Click on this icon to insert a new, higher-level worksheet under a selected entry.

Icon "Create new sub-worksheet"

Click on this icon to insert a new worksheet - as a sub-item - under the selected category.

Add template worksheet" icon

This icon takes you directly to the "Open template" dialog box. You can select an evaluation there, which is then inserted at the previously marked position.

Multiple selection of templates is also possible. To do this, hold down the <CTRL> key when selecting in the "Open template" dialog box.

Delete selected worksheet" icon

Click on this icon to delete the previously selected entry from the list.

The deletion of an entry cannot be undone.


Enter a name for the worksheet. When selecting an evaluation, the name of the template is already entered, but can still be changed here.

View type

Select the type for the new worksheet to be defined here. Depending on the selection, the options in the area below change.

  • Blank view
    A new, higher-level worksheet is created, to which worksheets can be assigned. By default, the "Open first view on selection" checkbox is activated here, which ensures that the first evaluation below is opened immediately when you switch to this worksheet. If you want to see an empty evaluation area instead, deactivate the checkbox.
  • Template
    Click on the "Select evaluation" button to open the "Open template" dialog box. Select the template to be added as a worksheet and confirm with "OK".
  • Tool
    Select a tool from the selection list:
    • Bond calculator
    • Options and warrants calculator
    • Fund calculator
    • Money management
    • Options strategy calculator
    • Bond scenario analysis
    • Transaction recording
    • Portfolio rebalancing
    • Internet browser
    • iProfile
    • Analysis & Risk Report
    • Fund prospectus
    • Homepage
    • Chart drawing display
    • News (online)
    • Document archive
    • Alert Viewer
    • Change log
    • Risk service configuration
  • Editor
    Select an editor from the list:
    • Formula filter
    • Trading system
    • Signaling system
    • Trading system optimization


Only visible for certain templates.

You do not need input objects for some templates, e.g. for the various finders. The following areas are available so that these templates can also have a fixed place in workspace configurations:

  • Objects
    The finders for options, warrants and certificates in the securities workspace ("Derivatives" worksheet), for example, are assigned to this area. These finders can have input objects.
  • Finder
    Security finders without input objects are assigned to this area.
  • Depot management finder
    All depot finders are assigned to this area.
  • Rebalancing
    This area contains the templates of the "Portfolio rebalancing" type (e.g. "Reallocation").
  • News
    This area contains the news (online).
  • Templates
    This area contains special templates such as "All chart drawings trend monitoring".
  • Other evaluations
    This area contains templates without input objects such as "Index overview".

This setting is already preset for affected standard evaluations, so you should only make changes here in exceptional cases.

Available for

Not for "Blank view" option.

The categories in whose workspaces the selected template should appear are ticked in this field. The appropriate selection is already activated.

You can change the selection of categories with a mouse click if necessary.

Individual objects

If this checkbox is activated, individual objects are permitted as input objects.


A single security as an input object for a chart template.

This setting is already preset for the standard evaluations, so you should only make changes here in exceptional cases.

Lists and folders

If this checkbox is activated, entire lists of objects or folders containing such objects are permitted as input objects.


You open a securities list for several securities via a clipboard or via the context menu.

This setting is already preset for the standard evaluations, so you should only make changes here in exceptional cases.

You can move the worksheets to a different position using drag & drop.

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