To evaluate the signals automatically, you first need a signal control (e.g. "Signals" folder in Explorer). A trend analysis folder is then created under this signal control (or another selected folder).
Select the "Signals" folder and choose the command NEW, TREND ANALYSIS in the context menu. Or, with the folder selected, select the "Create new object" icon at the top of the Explorer and then the TRENDANALYSIS command in its menu. Or select the TRENDANALYSIS command in the menu of the "Create objects" icon on the "Data maintenance" tab in the ribbon.
Enter a meaningful name in the "Trend analysis properties" dialog box that appears. For further setting options in this dialog box, read the section Change parameters (trend analysis). A trend analysis object with this name is created under the "Signals" folder. An input object is created under this. The securities to be analyzed are selected under this "Input". You can create several trend analysis folders in this way. This allows you to perform the analysis for different security groups.
Add the securities you want to analyze to the "Input" folder. Copy the securities from the Explorer to the "Input" folder using drag & drop. Or enter the securities using the ADD... command in the context menu of the "Input" folder.
The trend signals are evaluated for all securities under "Input".
The folder view is a convenient view for copying. The contents of the folders are displayed on the right-hand side of the desktop and you can select several objects at the same time. To open the folder view, select an object and choose the ORDER VIEW command in the context menu or press the <F2> key. More on this in the section The folder view.
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