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Evaluation of the trend signals

Module "Advanced Technical Analysis"

Once you have created a trend analysis folder and inserted the securities under it, you can carry out the analysis. This allows you to display all signals for these securities over a certain period of time.

  1. To do this, select the command TREND ANALYSIS, START EVALUATION in the context menu of the trend analysis folder or press the button<F9>with the trend analysis folder selected.
    The signals of the securities are evaluated in the background.
    You can continue working with the Infront Portfolio Manager during the calculation. The current status of the calculation (number of signals found) is displayed via the context menu of the trend analysis folder.
    A message window informs you after the evaluation.
    Display the results directly via the message window or later via the TREND ANALYSIS, SIGNALS command in the context menu of the trend analysis folder.

  2. After evaluating the signals, you will receive the "General signals" table. All securities for which buy or sell signals were found are listed here.

You can change the underlying parameters using the PROPERTIES command in the context menu of the trend analysis folder.

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