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Copy chart drawings to another template

As a rule, your chart drawings are only saved for the price quotation in the respective chart template in which you have also inserted the drawings. However, you can also copy these into other chart templates as follows:

  1. Insert the drawings into the chart.
  2. Save the drawings in the currently open template (e.g. "Chart Standard") with the command FILE, SAVE or with <CTRL>+<S>.
  3. Then select the command CHART CHARTS, COPY CHART CHARTS TO OTHER TEMPLATE in the menu of the "Template" icon on the "Configuration" tab in the ribbon.
  4. The "Chart drawings for template?" dialog box appears first, in which you can see all the chart templates in which you have inserted drawings. Select the chart template whose drawings you wish to copy and confirm your selection with the "Select" button.
  5. The "Copy to template?" dialog box now appears, in which you can again select the target template and confirm with the "Select" button.

The drawings are then copied to the selected template.

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